Taekwondo Terminologies

The Korean language is the taekwondo language, and as a taekwondo student or practitioner, it is important to learn and familiarize yourself with some of the terminologies used in the art.

Yea I know, Korean is likely not your original language, but you don’t need to learn the language, you only need to learn what certain individual words or phrases mean as you will be hearing some of these terms every now and then from your instructor (during training), referees (during starring and poomsae), and even from your fellow students.

Taekwondo items and equipment used are also named in the Korean language.

So, while it might be easy to call your taekwondo clothing “uniform”, calling it “dobok” would sure sound professional.

Now, here are some of the Korean terminologies in taekwondo.

Table of Contents

Terminologies in Taekwondo

Taekwondo Terminology ANATOMY

mo-li: head

eolgul: face

ip: mouth

mok: neck

momtong: body

palkoop: elbow

palmock: forearm

sonmock: wrist

son: hand

son-kut: fingertip

joomock: fist

huri: waist

dari: leg

moo-rup: knee

baal: foot

baaldung: instep

dwi-chook: heel

ahp-chook: ball of foot

Taekwondo Terminology NUMBERS


hana: one

dul: two

set: three

net: four

dasot: five

yasot: six

elgub: seven

yodol: eight

ahob: nine

yol: ten


el: first

e: second

sam: third

sa: fourth

o: fifth

yuk: sixth

chil: seventh

pul: eighth

koo: ninth

sib: tenth

Taekwondo Terminology MOVEMENTS

maggi: block

chi-gi: strike

cha-gi: kick

kyorugi: sparring

jupgi: holding

jirugi: thrusting

twi: jumping

hecho: spreading

modoo: gathering

gong-kyok: offense

hosinsool: self-defense

Taekwondo Terminology DIRECTIONS

ahp: front

yop: side

dwi: back

wee: high

gaunde: middle

ahre: low

wen: left

o-ruen: right

dolryo: round

ahn: in (inner)

backat: out (outer)

Taekwondo Terminology STANCES

cha-ryot sogi: attention stance

pyong-hi sogi: ready stance

juchoom sogi: horseback riding stance

ahp-gubi sogi: forward stance

dwi-gibi sogi: back stance

koa sogi: twisted stance

ahp sogi: walking stance

bum sogi: tiger stance

Taekwondo Terminology BLOCKS

yeot pero maggi: X block

eolgul maggi (also wee maggi): rising block

momtong maggi: middle block

ahre maggi: down block

son-nal maggi: knifehand block

hecho maggi: spreading block

Taekwondo Terminology STRIKES

chi-gi: forward punch

gullgi chi-gi: hook punch

me-joomok chi-gi: hammer-fist strike

dung-joomock chi-gi: back-fist strike

son-nal chi-gi: knifehand strike

son-nal dung chigi: spear-fingers strike

pyon-joomock chi-gi: knuckle-fist strike

palkoop chi-gi: elbow strike

Taekwondo Terminology KICKS

ahp cha-gi: front kick

yop cha-gi: side kick

dolryo cha-gi: round kick

dwi cha-gi: back kick

guligi cha-gi: hook kick

bandul cha-gi: crescent kick

twi o-cha-gi: jumping kick

Taekwondo Terminology COMMANDS

cha-ryot: attention (come to attention)

kyong-ye: bow

joonbi: ready (get ready)

dorra: about face

si-jak: begin/start

ba-quo: switch

gu-mahn: hold/stop

barro: return (to previous position)

kalyeo: break/stop

kae sok: continue

Taekwondo Terminology TITLES

kwanjangnim: master instructor (above fifth degree black belt)

Sabomnim: instructor (above fourth degree black belt)

joo sim: referee

bu sim: judge

bae sim: juror

kae sim: time keeper

ki rohk: recorder


poomse: forms (formal exercises)

kyorugi: sparring

hosinsool: self-defense

ki-hop: yell (the power-sound, which combines physical and mental energy)

guk-gi: flag

dobok: uniform

dojang: gymnasium (for the practice of Tae Kwon Do)

kwan: school (a place where Tae Kwon Do is taught)

jeon: round (competition segment)

jeum: point

shi gan: time (time out)

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