What to Wear Under a Taekwondo Uniform: A Comprehensive Guide

So, you’ve got your dobok (that’s the traditional Taekwondo uniform) all ready to go, but now you’re wondering, “What do I wear underneath this thing?” Trust me, you’re not alone in this. It’s a question every practitioner asks at some point, and getting it right can make a huge difference in your comfort and performance.

Ladies First: What to Wear Under Your Taekwondo Uniform

Sports Bra: Your Best Friend

Alright, ladies, let’s talk about support. A good sports bra is non-negotiable. You need something that’s going to keep everything in place without making you feel like you’re in a straightjacket.

Go for a high-impact sports bra because Taekwondo is no walk in the park. We’re talking kicks, jumps, and lots of fast movements.

Make sure it’s moisture-wicking too, because nobody likes feeling sweaty and gross.

Compression Shorts: Comfort and Confidence

Next up, compression shorts. These are great for a couple of reasons.

First, they give you that extra muscle support which can help with fatigue and reduce the risk of injuries.

Second, they offer a bit of modesty. When you’re kicking high and stretching, you don’t want to worry about what’s showing. Go for breathable fabrics that keep you dry and comfortable.

If you’re not into compression shorts, at least go for seamless, moisture-wicking underwear. The last thing you want is to deal with chafing or discomfort when you’re in the middle of a sparring session

Gentlemen, Your Turn: What to Wear Under Your Taekwondo Uniform

Compression Shorts: A Must-Have

Guys, compression shorts are your go-to. They offer essential support, especially around the groin area, which is crucial for all those high kicks and intense movements. Plus, they help prevent chafing.

Make sure they’re snug but not too tight, and opt for moisture-wicking materials to stay comfortable.

Groin Guard: Safety First

For those sparring sessions, a groin guard is a good idea. It’s all about protecting the family jewels, right?

Wear it over your compression shorts, and make sure it fits well so it doesn’t move around during practice.

Undershirt: Optional but Handy

Some guys prefer wearing an undershirt. It’s not a must, but it can help absorb sweat and keep your dobok cleaner.

If you go this route, pick something that’s fitted but not too tight, and again, moisture-wicking fabric is your friend here.

And for the Little Taekwondo Warriors: Kids’ Guide

Comfort is Key

For kids, comfort is the top priority. They need to move freely without feeling restricted. Lightweight, breathable undergarments are perfect for this.

Boys: Undershirts and Compression Shorts

Young boys can wear a simple undershirt and a pair of compression shorts. The undershirt helps keep them warm and absorbs sweat, while the compression shorts provide comfort and prevent chafing. Make sure the compression shorts are not too tight and the fabric is breathable.

Girls: Sports Bras and Shorts

For young girls, a comfortable sports bra or crop top paired with compression shorts or leggings works well. The sports bra offers support, and the shorts provide additional comfort and modesty.

As with the boys, breathable and moisture-wicking fabrics are the best choice.

Kids’ undergarments should be durable and easy to wash. Look for items that can withstand frequent washing and still maintain their shape and comfort.

General Tips for Everyone

Material Matters

Always go for breathable, moisture-wicking fabrics. These keep you dry and comfy, no matter how intense your training gets.

Fit and Flexibility

Whatever you choose to wear, make sure it fits well and doesn’t restrict your movement. Try out your gear during practice to make sure it holds up.

Keep it Clean

Wash your undergarments after every session. It’s good hygiene and helps keep your dobok in better shape for longer.


There you have it! The lowdown on what to wear under your Taekwondo uniform. It’s all about finding the right balance of comfort, support, and hygiene so you can focus on your kicks, punches, and forms.

So, next time you suit up for class, you’ll know exactly what to wear to feel confident and ready to give it your all.

Happy training, and go kick some butt out there!

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